Our philosophy concerning surveillance investigations is based on the "1 out of 20" rule. If only 1 of the 20 surveillances we conduct for you saves settlement proceeds that would have normally been paid out to unwarranted claims, then those saved dollars will easily pay for the additional 19 cases. Our company believes the "1 out of 20" rule is an overly conservative estimate of our effectiveness. In fact, we believe a "10 out of 20" rule would be a conservative estimate of our success. The bottom line is quality video surveillance not only offers you the opportunity to investigate more claims, it will inevitably save your company a lot of money.
Our Speciality
We specialize in covert video surveillance involving property and casualty, workers' compensation and disability, slip and falls, product liability, Jones Act and longshoreman claims. The use of video surveillance is one proven way to help cut down the odds in combating insurance fraud. Video is a legal and cost-effective tool that can help the employer or claims handler improve their bottom line. DSI services include covertly observing and videotaping claimants and then comparing the claimant's activities to their allegations of disability. DSI can provide information in a variety of forms, including, but not limited to, video surveillance, asset, criminal and civil record searches.
Why not give us a call and let one of our fully licensed investigators help you gather the information you need to stay in control of your case? Let us assist you in piecing your puzzle together.